1 (STIP 21) | 2022-01 | Downtown Johnson City Crosswalk Safety Project | Modified to remove $623,197 in CRRSAA-HIP funds (100% Federal) and add $623,197 in STBG-M funds (100% Federal) and move all phases to Fiscal Year 2023. | 6/02/2023 |
10 (STIP 482) | 2017-16 | Traffic Signal for SR 34 (US 11E/ E Jackson Blvd) & Tiger Way | Modification 10 (STIP 482) - Modified to add $104,000 at 100% Federal and $85,000 at 80/20% ($68,000 Federal and $17,000 State) to CONST and move the phase to FY 2025. | 1/17/2025 |
2 (STIP 86) | 2090595 | Safety - Urban Grouping | Modification 2 (STIP 86) - 8/24/2023 - TDOT is requesting to add $496,500 HSIP-R funding ($446,850 Federal and $49,650 State) to FY 2023. The project total will increase to $666,500. | 8/25/2023 |
3 (STIP 124) | 2023-18 | ITS Fiber Optic Expansion | Modification 3 (STIP 124) - Modified to change the funding source of all phases from STBG-L to CRP, per discussion with TDOT CRP Team. | 10/16/2023 |
4 (STIP 239) | 2017-16 | Traffic Signal for SR 34 (US 11E/ E Jackson Blvd) & Tiger Way | Modification 4 (STIP 239) (2/14/2024) - Modified to break out PE-N and PE-D phases into 80/10/10 shares. Also, CONST was modified from 80/20 to 80/10/10 share. Some phases were moved to FY 2024. | 2/14/2024 |
7 (STIP 283) | 2017-16 | Traffic Signal for SR 34 (US 11E/ E Jackson Blvd) & Tiger Way | Modification 7 (STIP 283) (4/30/2024) - Modified to change the matching funds, currently 10% state and 10% local, to 20% state. | 4/30/2024 |
8 (STIP 394) | 2023-01 | JCT Transit Operating - Sec. 5307 | Modification 8 (STIP 394) (8/21/2024) - Modified to increase Fiscal Years 2024, 2025, and 2026 by a total of $1,729,367 in Federal 5307 funds and $932,709 in local funds. | 8/21/2024 |
9 (STIP 458) | 2023-04 | JCT Transit Capital - Sec. 5307 & 5339 | Modification 9 (STIP 458) - Modified to add $15,000 to Local Funds to match 5339 in Fiscal Year 2025. | 12/12/2024 |